Cyber Alert !

You have opened this message without checking it’s from a trusted sender……This could have been a Ransomware email !

Cyber Alert !


So what is Ransomware? Why do I need to care?

  • Ransomware is one of the main weapons of choice used by Cyber Criminals.
  • Ransomware involves ‘tricking’ end users into visiting a website which leads to the running of software
    designed to encrypt the recipients files. Criminals involved in this activity often bribe their victims or the organisations
    they work for into paying large sums of money (or Bitcoins) in order to unencrypt/releasing their own data.
  • These types of attacks have increased by 400% in 2016 and recently the source-code has been made public allowing anyone to develop sophisticated ransomware attacks.
  • Unfortunately no one is safe from these hackers … it is no longer a matter of “if” you are attacked it is “when”.

Be Cautious!

  • Opening files - Do not click or download unsolicited email attachments.

    Many viruses are disguised as normal documents. Typical examples are invoices, purchase orders, pictures or DocuSign* emails.

  • Suspicious – Always be suspicious of emails.

    Hackers review individuals Facebook /LinkedIn / Company pages to gather information from various sources in order to make their emails appear as personalised and authentic as possible. Currently most Ransomware emails do not have legitimate email signatures.

  • Confirmation – If in doubt, 1. phone the sender to validate the message.

    NEVER reply directly to the e-mail – in some cases the criminals hack into mailboxes and respond to confirmation

  • Browsing – Certain non-business related websites have a higher risk of hosting damaging software.

    These sites should be avoided.

  • Data - Ensure you save all your data onto your network drive and not your local drive.

    If your local drive gets compromised there is no backup.

  • Proactive – Ensure you have up-to-date virus defence/firewall software running on your personal devices.

    Including home desktop, laptops, especially if you are using these for work purposes.

*DocuSign emails only contain PDF attachments of completed documents after all parties have signed the document. Even then, pay close attention to the attachment to ensure it is a valid PDF file. DocuSign NEVER attaches zip files or executables.

Why do I need to care?

How real is this?

The number of Ransomware cases continues to rise and the value of Bitcoins* increases

Cases of Ransome

Since january 2016, there has been a 400% increase in ransomware.

Kaspersky Labs report 2016

Many cyber thieves using ransomware demand to be paid in bitcoins

*a type of digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank. "bitcoin has become a hot commodity among speculators"

How to know if you are infected:

  • Slow performance

    The virus encrypts data from your local and network drives. If it is a laptop you may notice a lot of disk activity.

  • Alerts

    many viruses notify the user they have been the victim of Cyber Crime (but not all).

If you are a victim:


Where a computer becomes infected it should be immediately disconnected from the network or Wi-Fi.

Seek assistance

Contact Wavex for professional assistance.


Inform your management. Some regulated businesses may need to notify their regulatory body.